Radu Greceanu was a chronicler who lived in the province of Muntenia, during the late 16th and early 17th century. In 1711, he wrote the official chronicle about the reign of Constantin Brancoveanu. He also wrote a manuscript containing the early history of the Principality of Tara Romaneasca , which was unfortunately lost.
A notable member of the local nobility, Radu Greceanu, along with his brother Serban Greceanu, was the author of the first complete translation into Romanian of the Holy Bible, which appeared in 1688, in Bucharest.
The construction of the gymnasium began in august 1889 and ended in the fall of 1891, the central part of the high school being built during that time, with it's front side one floor high, the two wings without the two rooms (right-left), which were build many years later. In this first stage of the construction a gym was also built, with classrooms on the second floor (a rather peculiar building, which the students of the 60's named "Bastilia", a name that is now used by all the students who study there). This is the structure of the Real Gymnasium in Slatina, at it's "birth" as a public institute.
Under the severe surveillance of principal Traian Biju, the right (east) side of the building was built (1925-1926), and in the summer of 1925 the stairs that were used by the teachers to go to the second floor were rebuilt (and remained almost unchanged until today). This was the second step in building the "Radu Greceanu" High School. After building the second floor on the two side-buildings, on its exterior 53 safety pylons were built, their massive structure giving the building an unique architecture identity in this part of the country.
In the history of the high school's infrastructure came two other moments of great importance: first, the reconstruction of the amphitheatre and the construction of a third building, that was for several years named (after it's destination) "The dormitory", with kitchen, closets, cellar, bedrooms, infirmary, living-rooms. The building of the dormitory began at 5th of August 1937, and ended next summer. At the main hall entrance stood written in mosaic "Al. Iliescu" - 1937. It could host 120 students.
These two objectives marks the third step of the building process, separated with the previous one by only 7 years. The principal (for a short period of time) Toma Vasilescu began the reconstruction from scratch of the amphitheatre (which was destroyed during its usage by the Professional School) in 1933: 400 seats, 2 floors, bigger stage, backstage at the right and left of the stage. This is the theatre as we have it today, after 70 years: a fortunate achievement that came just in time for the anniversary of 50 years of existence (1934).
The principal Traian Biju wished to mark the construction of the dormitory as an exceptional event in the history of the high school, by placing on the south wall of the new building an inscription, which we, today, receive as a great lesson of education:
"Poporul roman, plamadit dintr-un aluat nobil, a razbit prin veacuri ingenunchindu-si vrajmasii, otelindu-si trupul si sufletul in hotarele lui strabune, firesti si vesnice. Prin incordarea puterilor, prin jertfa de sine a tuturor, intru folos obstesc, patria romana va inflori sub soare, iar gloria poporului roman va straluci peste veacuri."
In the year 1958, the number of students increased significantly, as a result of the union with the Girl's High School (the only one at that time in Slatina, today Primary School no. 1). This is the first time in Romania when boys and girls began studying in the same high school. The total number of intern students during the 60's was 300 - 400, sometimes even more. This led to the idea of constructing a second dormitory, which should this time be used solely for dormitories and should have the largest possible capacity. Work at this fourth and final building - of what is today "Radu Greceanu" High School - started in 1975 with the setting of the foundation in the free space, parallel with the right (eastern) wing of the main building, and ended in February 1979. Thus the High School now owned a second dormitory four stores high, with bedrooms for 104 students (second floor) and 200 students (third and fourth floors), making a total capacity of 304 students.The construction of the "Radu Greceanu" high school - as we share it today - took place (with normal pauses) throughout 90 years: 1889 - setting the foundation for the Gymnasium - 1979 - releasing the last of the four buildings.